9 Homemade Honey Products Recipes ideas. DIY recipes to make with honey and beeswax with essential oils for skin care and ointments.

9 Homemade Honey Products Recipes
We share a few homemade DIY healthy product recipe ideas to create with honey and beeswax. Make skin care products that has both in and essential oils, as well as a base for ointments with herbs and essential oils. Bath products that are so healthy and soothing for your skin. Honey and beeswax is a natural anti biotic and heals wounds and cuts and serves as a great natural healing and ingredient in many natural organic products.
A healthy choice to make. Honey sticks for sporty people to give them a boost of energy while out in the fields, running and cycling, so on.
Swop sugar for honey and use pure organic honey for many reasons. Its healthy and a natural antibiotic.
What products can you make with honey?
- chewing gum or candy.
- candles
- skin care or cosmetics
- soap
- sauces and salad dressings
- spreads and dips
- honey butter
- sweets
- remedies
- recipes
What can I do with Beeswax from honey.
- Balms and salves
- Candles
- Wood furniture polish and sealant
- Leather shoe polish
- Soap
- Skin barrier for cuts and scrapes
- Fire starter
- Skin products, lip gloss, ointments.
- Sheets for the beehives
( click on the highlighted headings or image to get to the recipe.)
Honey sticks are a great little treat. They are delicious and are portable and they have an extremely long shelf life. But most importantly, they are easy and fun to make.

If you’re looking for a quick, easy, and inexpensive gift, this is it! This recipe was posted by Darby over at Fly Through our Window. Click here to see her post.

Jan shares her recipe for a very simple balm that’s ideal for soothing damaged, dry or irritated skin. You can also use it to protect the paws of your dog!

This homemade lip balm is so easy to make! Choose your favorite essential oils and you’ll have DIY lip balm with a free printable label in no time!

Make your own homemade deodorant. It’s not a new idea here on Thank Your Body. For sensitive skin is still one of my most popular posts… and one of my most trusted recipes.

Make your own DIY cleansing honey face wash for a pampering experience that’s both indulgent and affordable. Plus, using honey as a face wash will leave your face feeling clean, soft, and hydrated!

This easy to make anti-aging eye treatment is perfect for dabbing around your eyes, on laugh lines, or other wrinkle prone spots. It also makes a great nighttime hand cream!

Some time ago I had gotten some beeswax lip balm that was very firm and actually took some rubbing to get to soften up to apply to the lips. The thing that I noticed with it that after applied it almost seemed like I had on a protective barrier. This stuff was not just to have glossy, pretty lips but it made such a huge difference when dealing with freezing wind during the winter.

Homemade bath melts are the perfect way to soothe itchy skin while you soak. Get the easy recipe and rescue your skin with this all-natural bath soak that leaves skin feeling silky soft and supple.

To view some Homemade Remedies made with honey view www.SaBeekeeper.com
Then there are some recipes to use honey instead of sugar in your baking and sauces and much more.
More honey related recipes to view
—–> 10 Tasty Honey Baking Recipes
Dear sir.i wants to make different recipes by honey.pls send details or books about the same.
visit http://www.SaBeekeeper.com