17 Easy Puff Pastry Recipes ideas from filling ice cube trays for appetizers or pockets and bites or pie crust, sausage rolls and desserts.

17 Easy Puff Pastry Recipes
Sharing 17 Easy Puff Pastry Recipes ideas to fill a puff pastry ice cube tray or to fill pockets and mini bites for appetizers. Make a quick pie crust for left overs and also so easy as a dessert filled with fruits. Sausage rolls and croissants are among some of the recipe ideas. Oven Bake recipe ideas.
There is many fillings to choose from. Always paste egg yolk mix on top so the topping can stick and brown. Then cut off excess and cut into pieces and bake on a baking tray. Its that simple. I like simple, it saves time. Enjoy
(click on the highlighted heading or image for the recipe)
Mini Pastry Potato Bites recipe idea for an appetizer. Holidays or work parties warm savory oven bake pastry snacks with cheese and bacon.

Mini Homemade Apple Pies recipes. Have some apples needing to be used. Make this apple pie fillings, with puff pastry dough.

A Homemade Savory Hand Pies recipe idea that is flaky from the puff pastry with a tasty filling of saucy ground beef, veggies and potato.

Puff Pastry Spinach and Feta Rolls
Puff Pastry Spinach and Feta Rolls recipe idea to create for party, appetizers. Mini Savory sausage rolls that are vegetarian friendly snacks.

Easy Apple Puff Pastry Tarts are the simplest dessert to bake with pastry and sweet apples sliced and seasoned with sugar and cinnamon.

Puff Pastry Apple Turnovers recipe idea made from scratch for a dessert. So easy with store bought pastry, fresh apples and a quick oven bake.

Mini Puff Pastry Sausage Rolls
Mini Puff Pastry Sausage Rolls Recipe. Bake these easy homemade sausage rolls made from ground or sausage meat serve as a gourmet appetizer.

Lemon Cream Cheese Danish Breakfast
Easy and the best Lemon Cream Cheese Danish Breakfast or dessert recipe. A puff pastry bake filled in Centre with cream cheese lemon curd.

Affordable Apple Pie and Cream
Affordable Apple Pie and Cream dessert recipe. This is a super easy and affordable apple pie to bake for a large family dessert.

Creamy Chicken and Veggie Pie recipe. Easy hot puff pastry pie with left overs bakes the best homemade meal, loaded with cream mushroom sauce.

Homemade Tasty Croissant Recipe
Homemade Tasty Croissant Recipe to make for a breakfast or snack that are so flaky and buttery and not a difficult recipe to make.

They’re ridiculously cute and delicious, plus, they give a common household tool an extra use.

Quick and easy apple strudel recipe, requiring simple ingredients like puff pastry and apple pie filling. Ready in 30 minutes.

These Mini Pork Apple & Sage Sausage Rolls with Curry Ketchup are wonderful little bites to enjoy with drinks or just to nibble on that can be frozen for later use.

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