A useful Ingredient Substitute Printable ideas. Make a recipe, but find that you are missing some ingredients. A help chart with substitutes.

Ingredient Substitute Ideas
One always finds that you are missing the simple things to complete a recipe that you are wanting to bake or cook. A ingredient that you have run out of. This is always some ones reason for not making the said recipe.
Therefor we have made a printable to download for free. Place it on your fridge or in your printable recipe book. Always need this advice sometime in your life.
What does a 1 1 substitute mean?
Zero-calorie sweeteners that measure like sugar on a one-to-one ratio (in volume) have the same sweetness as table sugar. So, you don’t have to look for a conversion chart. You can use the same amount of sweetener as you would sugar or powdered sugar. One teaspoon of those sweeteners equals one teaspoon of table sugar.
What are the most common food substitutes in recipes?
Substitutions include water seasoned with beer or white wine, juice (such as orange juice or apple juice), melted butter, milk (dairy, coconut, nut or soy milk), miso paste, mushroom stock (liquid from soaked dried mushrooms), olive oil, soy sauce or tea.
(Click to download FREE PDF printable in the image below and the highlighted word ) — > Printable download.

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