Farm Bananas and Trees. Information on banana trees life cycle and tips on how to take care of a bunch of bananas on the farm.

Planting banana trees.
The banana tree is a large plant and requires room to spread. They love full sun, and good drainage. Although banana trees do produce a few dead leaves, you can cut or pull them off as this will stimulate the growth of the tree stem.

And try saving your old coffee grounds as they are an excellent source of slow-release nitrogen. Sprinkle used grounds around your plants every two months before rain or watering and your banana plants will be happy
How long does it take for a banana tree to produce fruit.

A banana tree will take about 9 months to grow and be ready to produce fruit. The banana tree will take at least four to six months after it flowers to produce a full grown bunch of bananas. Ready to pick and hang up to ripen.
How long banana trees live for.
The banana tree will live for at least 6 years. Each stem will only produce one bunch of bananas. Once the bananas are picked then the stem is cut off or pulled down. Then another stem will grow from the rhizome to produce the next round of bananas.

There are two types of bananas, the nice sweet ones that can be taken of the bunch and eaten. Then there is the Plantain banana that can be used for cooking. These plantain bananas are also yellow but the fruit is more thicker and orange and tuff to peel. Very starchy.
Harvesting a bunch of bananas.
Harvest the banana once the flower at the end is dried up. Also when the banana fingers are plump and full. But still green. Hang bananas in a cool but shaded area. All the bananas on a hand will ripen at the same time. Then cut off those hands and soon all of them will be ripened quickly.

You may make banana breads or muffins, and they are also freezable for future use in shakes or more baking.
Recipes made with bananas that you are not able to eat. When you have to much, then once they are really ripe, “Black skin” then place them in zip lock bags. Suck air out with a straw and zip them up and place in the freezer for later use. You can use these bananas for shakes with other fruits. Or make these recipes below.
(click the highlighted headings for the recipes)
Others recipes to make with ripe bananas —-> Best Banana Cake with Sour Cream and Chocolate Banana Cake Recipe
These banana bread recipe ideas will be delicious to create to —-> Easy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread and Tasty Banana Bread Loaf and Filling Banana Bread Recipe
- Tasty Banana Blueberry Muffins.
- Easy Chocolate Banana Muffins
- Breakfast Banana Muffins
- Tasty Banana Bread Loaf
View more on farm in —-> Farm Lifestyle and homesteading.
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