Gorgeous Blank Recipe Book of 200 pages. An empty book to fill in instead of bits of paper everywhere. It has sections and index pages.

Gorgeous Blank Recipe Book
Introducing the NEW 200 page favorite blank recipe book!
For many years I have written recipes down on bits of paper here there and everywhere. My favorite dishes from a magazine, from friends and many from the internet.
It became so bad that I couldn’t find recipes when I needed them. Then one day after hunting for my most delicious cake recipe (mmmm) that I couldn’t for the life of me find, I realized I really needed to DO something about the situation.
As always my search started online. Many blank recipe books, yes, but not one that was pretty and that appealed to me. I decided to use my skill set and make my own pretty and functional blank recipe book.
When the book arrived I was so happy!! I made myself a cup of coffee sat down at the kitchen table and unpacked the little bits of paper in easy reach and started writing.

File away those awesome recipes you find online, in magazines or write them into this blank recipe book to preserve a loved cookbook from being tattered by being over used.
Cherish passed down family recipes! This book also makes a great gift to anyone who cooks or bakes.
(click the heading or the image below to purchase this recipe book online)
Fill My Recipe Book ๐
“A blank recipe book to keep the bits of paper you seem to collect as well as family recipes that need a more permeant home.”
When you open the blank recipe book the first thing you will notice is that I have Made a page for when you gift the book and a place for the name to be written in it.

Then included a bunch measurement conversions. Because I come from a country that uses C instead of F as most recipes on the internet are, I am always having to look these things up! Now I have an entire list of easy converted numbers. YAY! So convenient.

The blank cookbook may be labeled into sections that you can keep a record of the page its on, any section you need!

It features an index for recipe names with page numbers so you can easily find what you need. With 200 pages the blank recipe book will easily hold 189 recipes for you to fill in.

The layout is pretty easy to use too! There is a space for the name of your recipe. There is a nutritional info area which I thought was a good idea to add if you have a diet with special needs. Such as diabetics to measure the carbs and protein for insulin numbers.
I made the serves number, prep time, oven temp and cook time have their own section. These are important for me to have a quick glance at. All on top of the page.
I have all the ingredients down one side and the directions on the other. Now if you have one of those super lengthy recipes be sure to start on the left side of the book so you can continue the recipe onto the right hand side.
I found it also handy to have a notes section. I add things like try raisins with this or I got this recipe from fillmyrecipebook.com type of thing. Always good to know info.

Purchase the book —> Fill My Recipe Book (click the highlighted heading to go to online purchase)
These make perfect gifts as well! (Christmas! shh!!) After all its very difficult to purchase a blank recipe book with so many pages. This will definitely last a life time.
I decided to list the book on Lulu.com just incase someone else was also looking for a pretty blank recipe book! ๐
It is a revised and new 200 page blank book. Amazing. ๐
I love it and I know you will too!
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