Recipes passed down through generations from family kitchens and friends, tried and tested with fresh ingredients that create delicious meals. I want to fill my recipe book with these wonderful dishes.

Here you will find all the baking recipes such as Cakes Desserts and breads as well as casserole dishes and other.

Tasty fresh chilled juices and drinks made with fruits or fruity tea. Then there will be warm drinks as well.

When you have an abundance of fruit and veggies you need to use or store them. Some ideas on how to can or bottle them as well as make chutneys and sauces with them. Freezing or drying included.

Cooking with electronic Appliances Recipes
Here we cover all appliances used for cooking, in one pot. Such as slow cookers, crock pots. Instant Pots and the normal appliances such as toasters and grillers. As well as your rice cookers and bread machines.
Recipes consists of all the categories of food and cakes and desserts.