The sixth Adult Coloring Pages for you to relax and sit in the sun on a comfy chair and color in and recharge your batteries. Therapeutic.

The sixth Adult Coloring Pages
It such busy times for parents and especially mothers who run their homes and care for children and maybe a home business or blog.
Its known to relax you and clear your mind and not to mention that it brings out your artistic side.
A person needs to take time out and relax and just get down to basics and have a relaxing cup or cooldrink to drink and not to forget something nice to eat such as some cake or scones or muffins.
Go on get these downloaded and they are pdf Printable. They are free. (because I care)

Get these exciting coloring pages in DOWNLOADS HERE
There are some wonderful recipes to get and make for this tea time relaxation.
Maybe just choose from this round up here. 11 Tasty Tea Time Treats
Otherwise go view and peruse the Recipe link to guide you to what you would love to bake. Be it Tea time or Meals.
Get more Printable Coloring Pages for Adults and there are some for Kids to. HERE
A few Household Planners for Meals and shopping and a budget page is in the Printable tab.
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