1. warm water 2. bread flour 3. rosemary leaves and    dried 4. garlic cloves and     powder 5. olive oil 6. salt 7. dry yeast 8. sugar

Bread machine mixing the dough 

How To

Emptying it on a floured surface to rest. Then roll out and cover to rise to double the size. Lastly oiling the sheet pan and in the preheated oven place the focaccia bread that was decorated with rosemary , garlic and salt, to bake View the recipe for full instructions

The baked Focaccia bread top.

After the focaccia bread has baked leave to cool on the cooler rack,

Cut the focaccia bread  in half first, Take in the aroma of this fresh garlic and rosemary spiced bread.

Cut the focaccia bread  while warm into slices or squares to serve for a starter or side dish with salads or pasta dishes.